
  • Edgar Andres Patino-Narino UNICAMP
  • Hugo Sakai Idagawa UNICAMP
  • Luiz Otavio Saraiva Ferreira UNICAMP



Meshless. Microfluidic devices. Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics.


This paper proposes the formulation and application of classical hydrodynamics problem using GENERIC methodology in a solution based on the SPH. This meshless particle solution is called Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics (SDPD), which simulate situations of micro-fluids in the mesoscopic flow scale. Furthermore, we implemented a surface-tension formulation for the Continuum Surface Force (CSF) method in bi-phase, commonly used for capillarity modelling applications in micro-device and micro-liquids. The validation of the simulator has been performed with the cases in Poiseuille Flow, Couette Flow, one single droplet impacting on a liquid film and bi-phase flows in microfluidic devices.


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