
  • P. H. R. Lima UnB
  • L. Vieira IFG
  • E. L. Oliveira IFG




Acoustic. Low cost sensor. DSP. Active noise control.


Economic feasibility and cost minimizing of experimental setups is one of the most important factors in many research and this is no different for active noise control (ANC) in ducts. Cheaper acquisition and assembly of equipment is desirable, provided you keep the same efficiency of acquisition, filtering, control and attenuation. This study aims to compare the performance of low cost microphones with precision microphones, when applied to the acoustic control system in feedforward configuration. This system makes use of a control board with Digital Signal Processor (DSP) in order to identify, analyze and compare systems of acoustic control in real time. To validate the performance of the sensors, an experimental bench was setup which included a PVC duct and speakers as noise source and actuator. Microphones are the error and reference sensors. The system performance is obtained by a sound pressure meter acting on the outlet duct.


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Como Citar

EVALUATION OF LOW COST MICROPHONES FOR ACTIVE NOISE CONTROL IN DUCT. (2017). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 2(13), 120-130. https://doi.org/10.26512/ripe.v2i13.21638