
  • Carlos Eduardo Marques UNESP
  • José Manoel Balthazar ITA
  • Rodrigo Tumolim Rocha UNESP
  • Ângelo Marcelo Tusset UTFPR
  • Frederic Conrad Janzen UTFPR




In this paper, we present some parametric analysis of an ocean wave energy
harvesting system. The mathematical model of a floating ocean platform attached to a DC motor is considered to use the ocean waves to generate electrical energy. A pendulum was coupled to the DC motor axis, transforming the vertical excitation of the floating platform into rotation movements of the generator, then varying the magnetic flux of the permanent magnets of the motor, generating electric energy. In order to optimize the power generation, we present a study of mass settings of the pendulum and an ocean wave amplitudes analysis, based on Maranhão’s coast characteristics. The dynamic behavior of the system is shown through numerical simulations, as well as the efficiency of conversion of the pendulum swings in electricity. 

Keywords: Pendulum System, Mathematical Modeling, Energy Harvesting, Ocean Wave Energy.


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Como Citar

A PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF AN OCEAN WAVE ENERGY HARVESTING SYSTEM. (2017). Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa Em Engenharia, 2(19), 68-83. https://doi.org/10.26512/ripe.v2i19.15021