Calibã, ou as metamorfoses de próspero
Shakespeare, A tempestade, Dramaturgia, Calibã.Resumo
Neste ensaio foram registradas ideias que serviram de ponto de partida para a elaboração do texto teatral do espetáculo Caliban (2007). Grande parte do ensaio busca problematizar a figura do filho de Sicorax e as implicações dessa releitura para a montagem supracitada.
BREVIK, F. Brave New World Grown Old: Setting and Utopian Politics in The Tempest. Tese de Doutorado, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2006.
ELLIOT, N. Prospero’s Return: An Interpretation of The Tempest. Dissertação de Mestrado, University of Alberta, 2004.
GRIFFITS, T. “This Island’s mine”: Caliban and Colonialism. The Yearbook of English Studies 13 (1983):159-180.
HULME, P.& SHERMAN, W. (Eds.) The Tempest and Its Travels. Reaktion Books, 2000.
HUNT, M. “The Backward Voice”: Puns and the Comic Subplot of “The Tempest”. Modern Language Studies 12.4(1982):64-74.
JEOUNG, H. An Africanist-Orientalist Discourse: The Other in Shakespeare and Hellenistic Tragedy. Tese de Doutorado, Louisiana State University, 2003.
JOSEPH, M. Caliban in Exile. The Outsider in Caribbean Fiction. Greewood Press, 1992.
LINDLEY, D. Shakespeare and Music. Bloomsbury, 2006.
MANNONI, O. Prospero and Caliban. The Psychology of Colonization. The University of Michigan Press, 1992.
NELSON, T. Shakespeare’s Comic Theory: A Study of Symbolic Action and Character in the Dramatic Romances. Tese de doutorado, Tulane University, 1966.
SANTOS, B.S. Between Prospero and Caliban: Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Inter-Identity. Luso-Brazilian Review 39.2(2002): 9-43.
SKURA, M. A. Discourse and the Individual: The Case of Colonialism in “The Tempest” Shakespeare Quarterly 40.1 (1989): 42-69.
SKURA, M. A. The Case of Colonialism in The Tempest: Caliban. New York: Chelsea, 1992.
VAUGHAN, A. & VAUGHAN, V. Shakespeare’s Caliban: A Cultural History. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
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