
  • Lineu Aparecido Paz e Silva



This paper presents the objective to discuss curriculum, rating , school geography and its developments in basic education and the relationship of the current curriculum practice with the systematic review of the existing educational institutions with developments in the teaching- learning process . For this study, a literature study was conducted on some of the major topic related to curriculum , assessment and school geography works . The basis for the development of this study were the main authors portray in detail the main features of curriculum and assessment, in particular Maria Martins Adailza Albuquerque , Tomaz Tadeu da Silva , and Antonio Flavio Barbosa Moreira involving discussions of current curricular practice and the relationship of this with the assessment in the teaching of geography .


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Como Citar

CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT AND GEOGRAPHY SCHOOL. (2016). Revista Eletrônica: Tempo - Técnica - Território Eletronic Magazine: Time - Technique - Territory, 5(2).