Socrates’ veil in the Phaedrus and the weave of the Platonic dialogues


  • Jonathan Lavilla de Lera University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Research group "Eidos. Platonisme i Modernitat"



Plato, Phaedrus, Dialectics, Dialogues


What kind of weaves do we find in the Platonic dialogues? What its embroideries are meant to show? What type of relations does it maintain with knowledge and its transmission? In this paper I will tackle these questions by analyzing the two passages of Plato’s Phaedrus in which Socrates refers to a veil. I will argue that grasping the function of the veil is needed to correctly understand the meaning of Socrates's conversing with his interlocutor and the way in which Plato composes the dialogue for his readers. The core aim of this text is to show some key features of Plato's writings.

Author Biography

  • Jonathan Lavilla de Lera, University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Research group "Eidos. Platonisme i Modernitat"

    Jonathan Lavilla, B.A. in Philosophy (University of BArcelona = UB) and Classical Philology (UB), M.A. in Philosophy and Classical Studies (UB) and PhD in Philosophy (UB) with a research about Plato’s Phaedrus. He is temporary lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and member of the research group Eidos. Platonime i Modernitat. His main areas of interest are Greek Tragedy, Rhetoric, the Sophistic movement and Plato.




How to Cite

Socrates’ veil in the Phaedrus and the weave of the Platonic dialogues. (2016). Revista Archai, 19, 237.