“The legislator does nothing in vain”: a note on Pol. IV.1


  • Victor Gonçalves de Sousa Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP - Brasil




Aristotle, Politics, Method, Eudaimonia, Pol. IV.1, Nature does nothing in vain


In this paper, I intend to give some reasons for thinking that Aristotle holds the view that εὐδαιμονία not only provides the normative criterium that regulates the institution and reform of constitutions that fall short of the best one, but is also what is aimed at by the institution and reform of such constitutions, since, for Aristotle, the best constitution is just the constitution in which εὐδαιμονία can be maximally achieved (cf. Pol. VII.13 1332a4-7).


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Dossier: Ancient Democracy Revisited

How to Cite

“The legislator does nothing in vain”: a note on Pol. IV.1. (2024). Revista Archai, 34, e03432. https://doi.org/10.14195/1984-249X_34_32