Table of Contents
regulation, telecommunicationsAbstract
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to introduce the tenth volume of the Law, State and Telecommunications Review (LSTR).
In this issue, the journal published a number of original articles on topics relevant to telecommunications from a myriad of interdisciplinary perspectives.
We are delighted to include articles on Internet penetration in Mexico, electoral hacking and neutrality in Colombia, cybercrimes, charges and ICT, software development, and Law and Technology.
For future issues, we will continue to publish articles on all relevant areas of telecommunications.
We hope you have enjoyed reading the first decade of this journal, and we look forward to an eleventh volume to be released on May 2019.
Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha
Editor-in-Chief, The Law, State and Telecommunications Review
On behalf of the Editorial Board
La autorregulación comunicacional en los procesos de votación: una respuesta jurídico-política al problema del “hacking electoral” practicado a través de las redes sociales. Un análisis del caso colombiano y de su repercusión en América Latina
¿Son útiles las TIC para combatir la ciberdelincuencia? La relación entre la denuncia de delitos informáticos y el equipamiento tecnológico de las comisarías
El desarrollo de software en Colombia: una perspectiva jurídica
Resistência do Direito à Tecnologia: uma análise teubniana de comunicação e regulação
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